Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Making of a Cloak

Some people might find sewing tedious, frustrating and pointless. I used to be one of those people. When I was a little girl, my Mother tried to teach me how to sew. I don't think she really had the patience to teach and I could tell. I became very frustrated with sewing and pointedly avoided it for many years, proclaiming 'I can't sew to save my life!'.

When I started my own small business online, selling used items (mostly clothing), I found that I enjoyed the online retail world very much. I had enjoyed retail in the stores that I had worked in, off and on, all my life. I enjoy the shipping, stocking, inventory, and sales. Mostly, I adored the part where I got to work face-to-face with people, suggesting products and listening to what a person might want or need. It was FUN!

Now, in the online retail world, I don't work 'face-to-face', exactly. I work with dozens of people a week, yes. But, it is all online. To remedy this impersonal method of retail sales, I try to relate to people on a personal level, answer questions promptly and ship quickly.

The stores that I have in existence now are IN existence primarily due to my success with the cloaks that I make. I enjoy MAKING WHAT I SELL so much more than buying items and selling them for profit. The cloaks are actually a statement.

When I was a little girl, I wanted a cloak and couldn't have one. Being a kid from a family of eight children made it necessary to be frugal. As I grew up, that desire to own my own cloak followed me. I was always sort of a dreamer, day-dreamer and fantasy believer. Perhaps that is why cloaks appeal to me so much.

When I became involved in the Craft, the desire for that cloak increased! But, WOW, were they ever expensive!!! I mean, it would cost half a paycheck (back then) for me to purchase one! As I became involved in this online retail world, I made up my mind that I was going to MAKE AFFORDABLE CLOAKS....and here is why......

I remember what it was like to do without for so long. I remember the disappointment in finding out that such a garment was WAY beyond my means. So, recalling those feelings in myself caused me to have a desire to be able to give the opportunity to others to HAVE that cloak!

I take great pride in my workmanship. I don't line my cloaks because that makes it possible to sell at a lower price. I try to make each and every one slightly different so that NO TWO ARE EXACTLY ALIKE...I mean, after all, who wants to go to the Ren Faire and see someone with THEIR cloak on?? Right? I take pride in my attention to detail and I am always open to suggestions.

Curious? To see some of my cloaks, you can visit a couple of my stores. NO PURCHASE NECCESARY!!!

Just go to or to and click the store tab. My store is called CHAOTIC CREATIVE. But, while you are there, check out some of the other stores! There is so much talent there, it is almost unbelievable!

Until next time, enjoy the Springtime. Enjoy each other. Life is GOOD simply because you are alive!

~~Red Raven

1 comment:

  1. I don't line my cloaks because that makes it possible to sell at a lower price....

    ^ Absolutely agree! I get so many people asking for us to line, but to sell at the same price. Most do not understand that when you line, you are doubling not only the material but also the time & energy.

    I enjoyed reading this, Raven! I found out we have more in common than I thought =)
