Monday, July 27, 2009

My First Ofiicial Renaissance a Vendor

As some of you may know, I was vending at a Ren Faire locally. It was named 'Medieval Mayhem' and this was it's second year. I was the official "Mayhem" vendor, which means that I helped the people who Faire sponsored and put on the Faire with their booth, which was attached to mine....sort of.

The event was 3 days; July 10, 11 & 12. It was in the forest and it was amazing! I promised photos of the event and I got as many as I could from the booth where I was. It was suprisingly busy so I was not able to spend a whole lot of time away from the booth. But, here are some photos of the event.


Thursday, June 25, 2009


FOR ONLY 8 DAYS, my Pagan rosaries will be marked down. Just go to my Etsy store at

to see these beautiful necklaces at LOWER prices. These are ONE-OF-A-KIND and no two will ever be exactly alike. So, if you are interested, go have a look!

Thank you!!

~~Red Raven

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Something new.

If you have visited my Etsy store lately, you might have noticed that I have started to make jewelry. And more specifically, Pagan Rosaries.

Now, you might ask yourself, "Why in the world would any one want to make a Pagan Rosary? Let alone many of them?"
My answer to this possible question is this: I make them to take back something from an organized religion that was stolen away from Pagans / Witches in the first place.
So many Seasonal / High energy 'holidays' in Paganism, Wicca and Witchcraft have been stolen away and turned into christian holidays or days of observance. Such as Easter. Do some research and you will find the truth of the major christian holidays and where they came from. It isn't difficult to find.

But, without going into detail on a side note, I am just going to explain a little about the rosaries.
One form of the traditional rosary has 10 'aves' or smaller beads in five sets, along the necklace. In addition, there are 4 pater beads and a pendant in the form of a cross or some other religious medal / trinket.
On my Pagan Rosaries, I have replaced the traditional 10 aves for eight--one bead for each of the Sabbats on the Wheel of the Year (Although I did make one with 9--for the NINE LADIES OF AVALON). Also, There are FIVE sets of eight beads, one set for each of the points of the star in the Pentagram that represent Earth, Air, Fire, Water and one for SPIRIT or Ether.

At the bottom of the necklace, on the portion that reduces from 2 strands into one, there are 3 more smaller beads for either the three life phases of the Goddess (Maid, Mother, Crone) or the three visible Moon phases--Full, Waxing and Waning. This can be modified to include 4 beads or even 5 to emphasize the points on our star.

Then, the pendant at the very end of the necklace, the bottom-most point...This pendant depends upon the theme of the Rosary. I have used Goddess symbols, Hearts, Pentagrams, Crescent moons and many more things to complete a theme, all based in Paganism, Witchcraft, Wiccan and similar beliefs.

I use semi precious stones, real Crystal beads, Fire polished glass and Mother of Pearl as well as other elements such as Sterling Silver, Pewter and (eventually) gold.

SO...why make a Pagan Rosary?
To TAKE BACK some of what was stolen away.

Even if you are not in a position to buy one of these gorgeous pieces, go take a look! It's free and only takes a moment.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Yep, another ONLINE faire is just around the corner. I am so excited!! It is a MYSTERY FAIRE and this is the first time EVER that I will be offering a MYSTERY AUCTION!! I have so much that I can add to my box. Things that I have taken photos of and just not had the time to list. AWESOME things!....Things that I would just love to keep until I think about how happy they could make someone else!

So, join us!! Just go to on APRIL 24th and enjoy the company, conversation, games and PRIZES! It runs from 8 am to 8 pm PST so there is no excuse for you if you don't show up, for at least a minute or two. You won't be sorry!!

AND...If you go, be sure to mention ME...Red Raven!!

Blessed be!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Making of a Cloak

Some people might find sewing tedious, frustrating and pointless. I used to be one of those people. When I was a little girl, my Mother tried to teach me how to sew. I don't think she really had the patience to teach and I could tell. I became very frustrated with sewing and pointedly avoided it for many years, proclaiming 'I can't sew to save my life!'.

When I started my own small business online, selling used items (mostly clothing), I found that I enjoyed the online retail world very much. I had enjoyed retail in the stores that I had worked in, off and on, all my life. I enjoy the shipping, stocking, inventory, and sales. Mostly, I adored the part where I got to work face-to-face with people, suggesting products and listening to what a person might want or need. It was FUN!

Now, in the online retail world, I don't work 'face-to-face', exactly. I work with dozens of people a week, yes. But, it is all online. To remedy this impersonal method of retail sales, I try to relate to people on a personal level, answer questions promptly and ship quickly.

The stores that I have in existence now are IN existence primarily due to my success with the cloaks that I make. I enjoy MAKING WHAT I SELL so much more than buying items and selling them for profit. The cloaks are actually a statement.

When I was a little girl, I wanted a cloak and couldn't have one. Being a kid from a family of eight children made it necessary to be frugal. As I grew up, that desire to own my own cloak followed me. I was always sort of a dreamer, day-dreamer and fantasy believer. Perhaps that is why cloaks appeal to me so much.

When I became involved in the Craft, the desire for that cloak increased! But, WOW, were they ever expensive!!! I mean, it would cost half a paycheck (back then) for me to purchase one! As I became involved in this online retail world, I made up my mind that I was going to MAKE AFFORDABLE CLOAKS....and here is why......

I remember what it was like to do without for so long. I remember the disappointment in finding out that such a garment was WAY beyond my means. So, recalling those feelings in myself caused me to have a desire to be able to give the opportunity to others to HAVE that cloak!

I take great pride in my workmanship. I don't line my cloaks because that makes it possible to sell at a lower price. I try to make each and every one slightly different so that NO TWO ARE EXACTLY ALIKE...I mean, after all, who wants to go to the Ren Faire and see someone with THEIR cloak on?? Right? I take pride in my attention to detail and I am always open to suggestions.

Curious? To see some of my cloaks, you can visit a couple of my stores. NO PURCHASE NECCESARY!!!

Just go to or to and click the store tab. My store is called CHAOTIC CREATIVE. But, while you are there, check out some of the other stores! There is so much talent there, it is almost unbelievable!

Until next time, enjoy the Springtime. Enjoy each other. Life is GOOD simply because you are alive!

~~Red Raven

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Hello and Merry Meet!

This is my first blogspot ever. I really never 'went in' for things like this. But, as the world grows smaller thanks to computers and technology in general, I see the need to create a space where I can write about RED RAVENS CAULDRON, and my adventures.

Yes, adventures! I see all of life as an adventure, a journey, a Path....Something to enjoy and learn from.

So, visit here and find out what I am up to....find out what wonderful things I am creating or thinking of creating. Oh...I have creative ADD--Did I mention that? Sorry, it is a major point of my need to blog.

You can find my creations in many places online...

And, coming soon, RED RAVENS CAULDRON at

So, Be well...Merry Part...Unitl we meet again.

~Red Raven / Ravens Dream